Andrew Seybold
Andrew Seybold
CEO & Principal Consultant, Andrew Seybold, Inc.
Andrew Seybold is one of the world’s leading authorities on technology and trends shaping the world of wireless mobility. Mr. Seybold is a respected analyst, consultant, commentator, author, and active participant in wireless industry trade organizations. His views have influenced strategies and shaped initiatives for many of the world’s most respected names in the wireless industry from Verizon to Nokia. He is founder and CEO of Andrew Seybold, Inc., a wireless industry consulting firm that advises wireless mobility companies from start-up to Fortune 1000 and is an active participant in Public Safety communications.
Mr. Seybold is widely known throughout the wireless communications industry for his keen perspective as well as his track record for accurately predicting trends in mobile wireless technology and convergence. Mr. Seybold is a frequent speaker at leading industry events such as CES and CTIA shows, and at corporate events for companies including Verizon, Microsoft, Qualcomm, and others. He has served on the Motorola Research Visionary Board and IBM’s Mobile Computing Advisory Board, among others. Mr. Seybold is a Fellow in the Radio Club of America for his contributions to the wireless industry, recipient of the Radio Club of America Sarnoff Citation, and the APCO Presidential Award 2011. He was recently honored with two awards from APCO, the Associated Public Safety Communications Officials organization: The President’s Award and a special recognition award. He also received the National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) President’s Award for his contributions to Public Safety communications and has been recognized by the National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPTSC) for his contribution to Public Safety Broadband communications.
Andrew Seybold’s COMMENTARY is possibly the most widely read e-newsletter among executives of leading wireless network operators, as is his Public Safety Advocate. He co-founded the Andrew Seybold Wireless University in 1995, which has been attended by thousands of industry professionals and continues to be the only in-depth education program of its kind in the wireless industry. As a trusted authority on wireless technology and business issues, Mr. Seybold has been featured in the Wall Street Journal. He is author of Using Wireless Communications in Business and two other books. He writes for and many industry publications including Wireless Week, Urgent Communications, Fierce Wireless, and others.