For almost four decades, Andrew Seybold has been recognized as a leading authority on technology and trends shaping the connected mobile wireless world. His insights have been the subject of editorials and features in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, ABC News, and Forbes ASAP. His published writings, broadcasts, and recordings are regarded by wireless industry insiders as a valuable resource in making informed, strategic business decisions. In addition to the following, Andrew Seybold has written for Wireless Week, Fierce Wireless and Fierce Mobile Content, Mobile Enterprise Magazine,, and News Patterns Daily Intelligence.
Brief History
Andrew Seybold has been writing industry newsletters since 1980 when he launched the Report on Mobile Emergency Communications, and in 1985 he took over The Seybold Report on Professional Computing. The mid-1990s were transition years, moving from a focus on personal computers in the 1980s to mobile computers and wireless in the 1990s. Andrew Seybold’s Outlook on Communications and Computing was launched in 1993 and Andrew Seybold’s Outlook on Mobile Computing was spun off from that. In July 2000, he entered a joint venture with Forbes to publish the Forbes/AndrewSeybold Wireless Outlook. After a short hiatus, the COMMENTARY e-newsletter was established as part of this website, followed by the TELL IT LIKE IT IS blog.
Over the years, Andrew Seybold has spoken out about many issues that affect the daily lives of our first responders, most recently, the struggle between Public Safety and the FCC over the Public Safety 700-MHz broadband network and the inclusion of the D Block of spectrum into that system. The PUBLIC SAFETY ADVOCATE is a series of commentaries that address issues facing the Public Safety and First Responder communities. This publication, with a launch date of June, 2010, is a free service offered by Andrew Seybold, long considered an outspoken advocate for public safety communications. This publication in considered to be one of today’s most important resource for matters concerning the Nationwide Public Safety Communications Network (FirstNet). Many of his articles have appeared in Public Safety Communications (APCO) and other industry publications.
Archives 03-19-97 through 01.03.2017
Wireless History
Now a resource for the history of wireless, the COMMENTARY e-newsletter is unique in the wireless industry and is central to what makes Andrew Seybold a standout in the wireless industry. He launched this publication in 2001 and made it freely available to everyone, providing his readership with a rich resource of timely information and fact-based opinion on key issues. It’s almost like having a dedicated analyst on your desktop or handheld.
When anything significant takes place in the industry, Andrew Seybold can be counted on to take a hard look at it and then provide readers with straight answers about the promise, the reality, and the hype. He is the wireless industry’s “man on the street,” reporting to the community about events, companies, innovations, and business changes that matter.
When the noise level reaches a fever pitch, look to Andrew Seybold to provide a voice of reason that clarifies complex issues surrounding spectrum allocation, migration to 3G and beyond, the potential of WiMAX and Wi-Fi, and the future of mobile TV.
Since the inception of the COMMENTARY in 2001, a number of his observations and comments have hit the mark. These include a COMMENTARY on the merger of Cingular and AT&T Wireless months prior to the announcement, the viability of muni-Wi-Fi systems, many of the issues facing the first responder community, the influence of the Internet community on wireless, and the adoption of wireless data services.
Archives 01-01-00 through 05-18-2-16
Wireless History
Throughout the year, Andrew Seybold travels the globe as a consultant, analyst, and commentator for the mobile wireless industry. No one’s really sure how he always manages to be wherever the action is. In his TELL IT LIKE IT IS blog, he shares his observations and provides a timely, level-headed look at new wireless communications standards, operating systems, devices, applications, and more as they are unveiled, and encourages a discourse with and among his readers.
His predictions provoke a wide range of reactions depending on where one is in the wireless food chain because his penchant for accuracy is well known. That’s because he listens as well as he prognosticates. The issues you care about are the issues he’s talking about. Be plugged in.