Public Safety Organizations
Andrew Seybold is one of the few consultants I have met who understands the differences between public safety and commercial wireless and can convey those differences to both groups.
Chief Harlin R. McEwen, Chairman, Public Safety Spectrum Trust
Interoperability is the new buzzword in public safety communications. The public safety community has been dealing with this issue for more than thirty years, but since 9/11 and Katrina, interoperability has been receiving a lot of attention from both Congress and the FCC. Our public safety clients have been using their own closed networks for decades and are now evaluating whether to upgrade or replace them. They also want to know how they might make use of commercial networks for wireless broadband services while they wait for the nationwide public safety network.
In the meantime, there is concern and confusion between public safety communications professionals and IT professionals in many cities, counties, and regions. As the public safety community meets the commercial and IT communities, our public safety clients must ensure that their mission-critical networks remain viable.
Andrew Seybold, Inc. is unique in the wireless industry. We have expertise in the public safety and the commercial worlds, and we work with IT professionals and understand the IP world. Among the services we provide are educational sessions designed to impart professional public safety communications specialists with the knowledge they need to understand what is happening in commercial arena. We understand the differences in the language spoken by these groups and we are talented translators and guides.
We have worked with many public safety organizations, from license applications and system design to integration with commercial networks for wireless broadband services. We work on a local, state, and national level with agencies and organizations serving the public safety community that know that commercial technologies will have an impact on them and their mission-critical communications systems. We are working with the agencies and organizations that are planning for new interoperable networks and services. Our advice and guidance on a local level will reflect not only the immediate needs of our clients, but also their ability to become part of the larger public safety communications community over the next few years.
We help our public safety clients plan for, design, and implement new networks, expand existing networks, and work with commercial network providers to secure wireless broadband services to augment their mission-critical voice networks.
Services for Public Safety
- Existing network review and evaluation
- Network expansion strategies
- Integration of broadband data services into existing voice and data services
- Integration of IP into existing and new networks for enhanced interoperability
- Long and short-range spectrum planning and licensing assistance
- Educational sessions
- For public safety communications personnel covering commercial offerings and services
- For community leaders and elected officials covering the unique needs of the public safety community
- For the commercial wireless community to impart an understanding of requirements specific to public safety communications