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To our Subscibers

Monday, January 05, 2009

Dear Subscribers:


I'd like to wish a happy and prosperous New Year to all of our e-publications subscribers and I would like to take just a minute of your time to give you an update on our free subscriptions and to announce a new White Paper.




You are receiving this email because since you originally subscribed to InfiniG, we have added another option: TELL IT LIKE IT IS blog alerts.


Many of you subscribe to InifiniG, which has been replaced with our Commentary, but not to our TELL IT LIKE IT IS blog alerts. After reviewing our publication offerings awhile back, we decided to discontinue the InfiniG newsletter and to concentrate on our Commentary and TELL IT LIKE IT IS blog.


If you are not receiving blog alerts and would like to do so, please go to, sign in with your user name and password and check the TELL IT LIKE IT IS box. If you don't remember your password or cannot log on for some other reason, simply reply to this email using the address, provide your name and email address, and let us know you would like to add free TELL IT LIKE IT IS blog alerts and we will update your file manually.


White Paper


We just published a new White Paper entitled "Broadband for All Americans" and I thought you might be interested in a totally different view of the issue of how to provide broadband services for everyone in the nation. It is available now and the pdf file can be downloaded free of charge.


Thank you for your time. I hope you are enjoying our Commentary and I think you will enjoy our TELL IT LIKE IT IS blog as well!


Again, Happy New Year to all of you.



Andrew M. Seybold

COMMENTS: This is an archived post. Commenting is no longer available.