White Papers
White Papers, some for the good of the wireless industry and some commissioned by individual companies. The following is a listing of recent papers that you can download free of charge.
High-Power Broadband Devices For FirstNet and First Responders, FirstNet agencies now have access to much higher power broadband in their vehicles. March, 2021 PDF copy
Signal Distribution Systems Using Waveguide Technology, Wireless Expressways’ documentation and success with its warehouse installations that are up and running using its technology today, prepared for Wireless Expressways, Inc. June 2017. PDF copy
Push-To-Talk over Cellular: The Flavors of PTToC, Carrier Integrated, Over the Top, and MCPTT, an explanation and comparison of their features, prepared for ESChat. March 2017. PDF copy
Push-To-Talk over Cellular: Integrated LTE and LMR Communication Success in the Mainstream, Push-To-Talk voice communications over cellular has proven to be a reliable, inexpensive way to instantly communicate one-to-one and one-to-many with the simple push of a button, prepared for ESChat. March 2017. PDF copy
Location, Location, Location, The measurements needed to meet the FCC rules will, over time, require the network operator to be able to provide emergency call accuracy within 50 meters (150 feet) horizontally for 80 percent of all emergency calls or alternatively provide a very precise “Dispatchable Location”—an accurate address, floor, and suite/apartment of the caller. November 2015. PDF Copy
Wireless Noise, prepared for Audience, October 2012, AudienceWPWirelessNoiseFnlv6-10-16-12 final
Pushing It to the Streets (or to the Device), prepared for Research In Motion, May 2009 RIM WP 05-11-10Push
4G Broadband: Bridging to Public Safety Land Mobile Network, June 2010 4G Broadband Bridging to PS LMR
In-Car Cellular Signal Boosters, prepared for Wilson Electronics, July 2010 WilsonElectronicsWP-7-9-10 (2)
Intelligent Spectrum Management, prepared for Spectrum Bridge Inc., August 2010 SpectrumBridgeWP08-09-10rev9
Working in Voice Mode, prepared for Voice Assist, Inc., July 2011 VoiceAssistWP07-19-11FNL-A
The Big Question: Why Do We Need More Cell Sites?, prepared for Municipal Governments, re-release August 2011. CellSiteWhitePaper 07-05-05edt